Date and time

Day, date, month and year Calendar and current day Current time

Date and time calculations

Here you will find useful tools for converting a date and time information into an other format. These tools are constantly expanding.

1. Converts a date and time into a date of the Julian calendar

| o'clock (MET/MEST)

2. Converts a date and time into a date of the modified Jul. calendar

| o'clock (MET/MEST)

3. Converts a date and time into an Unix-Encoding

| o'clock (MET/MEST)

4. Calculates the last days of the year

5. Calculates the number of days between two dates

Date Date

6. Calculates the number of days between two dates with a fraction of the day

Date Time
Date Time

7. Calculates the number of hours between two dates

Date Date

8. Calculates the number of hours between two dates with time

Date Time
Date Time

9. Calculates the number of minutes between two dates

Date Date

10. Calculates the number of minutes between two dates with time

Date Time
Date Time

11. Calculates the number of seconds between two dates

Date Date

12. Calculates the number of seconds between two dates with time

Date Time
Date Time